










2019年にRYT200(Registered Yoga Teacher )を取得しヨガインストラクターに。


2021年にYCBA初級認定(YumiCoreBody Academy 初級認定)取得。

さらにrfca(re・Frame Conditioning Academy)にて正しい骨の位置を学び、日常の姿勢や動作、呼吸を正していくことで、便秘、生理痛が無くなり、XO脚、猫背、巻き肩、撫で肩が治る。インナーマッスルを強化することで関節が安定し、疲れにくい身体に。

2022年、美瑛へ移住しコンディショニングトレーナーとしてHealthy Habitsを開業。

*Machi Tsuboi 

I was born in 1985, and I’m from Osaka.


Eating and drinking any delicious foods that I can find, mountain climbing, traveling, reading

*I have a daughter who was born in 2017, and a son who was born in 2020. 


RYT200 (RegisteredYogaTeacher), YCBA beginner level certification (YumiCoreBodyAcademy), currently studying at RFCA (Reframe Conditioning Academy)

*The journey so far…
When I became a manager at my past job in 2014, I was often annoyed and frustrated. In 2016, I started doing yoga as a way to control my frustration. In 2018, the area where I and my relatives lived were hit by a series of disasters. 
Experiencing this disaster made me realize that if I lost my job then I can't do anything for other people and I can’t take care of and raise my daughter. So, I decided to take control of my life and begin learning yoga and other ways to use my body. 
In 2019 I acquired the RYT200  because I wanted to learn something using only my body and nothing else. 

After giving birth to my second child I went to Cranio Osteopathic Treatment for four months because of my daily lower back pain, but the pain was never 100% cured. It wasn’t until after I studied, and used, the exercises in YumiCoreBody’s book “Yurumeru Karada” (Loosening Body), that my back pain was completely cured — In only three days!

I was so shocked that this led me to pursue a YCBA certification in 2021. 
By learning the correct positions of my bones and correcting my daily posture, movement, and breathing, my constipation and menstrual cramps disappeared. In addition, my bowed legs, hunched back, and my rounded and sloped shoulders were healed. By using inner muscles to stabilize my joints, my body is now less tired than before. 
In 2022, I moved to Biei and I started this business.